Tag: World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day: What You Need to Know

World Hepatitis Day: What You Need to Know

World Hepatitis Day, commemorated on July 28th, is an international initiative designed...

CME on “Hepatitis –Current Perspectives” held on occasion of ‘World Hepatitis Day’

CME on “Hepatitis –Current Perspectives” held on occasion...

'World Hepatitis Day’ is celebrated annually on 28th July to raise awareness among...

World Hepatitis Day observed in DMCH

World Hepatitis Day observed in DMCH

The theme of World Hepatitis day for this year 2021 is “Hepatitis can’t wait”

CHC Mukandpur observed `World Hepatitis Day’

CHC Mukandpur observed `World Hepatitis Day’

The aim and purpose of observing the day was to raise awareness