Mental Maths Quiz At BCM School, Dugri

Author(s): City Air NewsLudhiana, May 19, 2016: Mental exercises and intellectual quizzes have become essential for the young children now days. In context to this, a Mental Maths Quiz was organized at BCM School, Dugri for primary classes...

Mental Maths Quiz At BCM School, Dugri

Ludhiana, May 19, 2016: Mental exercises and intellectual quizzes have become essential for the young children now days. In context to this, a Mental Maths Quiz was organized at BCM School, Dugri for primary classes by Ms.Garima Goyal. The students participated very enthusiastically in the quiz. Teachers were amazed to see the quickness of the young minds. Efforts of students were highly appreciated by school principal Dr.Vandna Shahi and winners were awarded with certificates. She encouraged the students to participate more zealously in such quizzes and competitions as these will help to boost up their minds and improve the mathematical skills.

Thursday, May 19, 2016