Tag: seminar

डॉ टिवाणा की लेखनी में था कमाल का संयम

डॉ टिवाणा की लेखनी में था कमाल का संयम

हिंदी विभाग द्वारा डॉ दिलीप टिवाणा की स्मृति में विशेष परिचर्चा

दोआबा कालेज में महामारी क्रोनावायरस पर संगोष्ठी आयोजित

दोआबा कालेज में महामारी क्रोनावायरस पर संगोष्ठी आयोजित

डॉक्टरों ने बचाव के तौर-तरीकों के बारे में विस्तारपूर्वक बताया  

150 senior citizens attend cancer awareness seminar

150 senior citizens attend cancer awareness seminar

Excessive use of pesticides one of most problematic reasons of cancer

Seminar on understanding the physical dimension of self 

Seminar on understanding the physical dimension of self 

Self-care is loving yourself. It is telling yourself that you are Valuable.

PCM SD College for Women organized national seminar by IQAC

PCM SD College for Women organized national seminar by...

Seminar was experience of intellectual discourse

PHD Chamber of Commerce in association with FICO organized Seminar 

PHD Chamber of Commerce in association with FICO organized...

Discussions held on burning issues, e-invoicing and new return forms under GST

Seminar on gadar movement at RGC

Seminar on gadar movement at RGC

Motive was to discuss role of gadar movement in freedom struggle 

2 day seminar at UIET, PU

2 day seminar at UIET, PU

Seminar held on research resurgence