Tag: NEP 2020

जीयू के के सभी यूजी व पीजी पाठ्यक्रम एनईपी-2020 के अनुसार संचालित किए जा रहे हैः कुलपति प्रो. दिनेश कुमार

जीयू के के सभी यूजी व पीजी पाठ्यक्रम एनईपी-2020 के अनुसार...

सत्र 2024-25 में जीयू से संबद्ध कॉलेजों के सभी यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों में लागू होगा एनईपी-2020।

Orientation Workshop  on “NEP 2020: What’s New for the Undergraduate students”

Orientation Workshop  on “NEP 2020: What’s New for the...

A One-Day  Orientation Workshop  on "NEP 2020: What’s New for the Undergraduate...

National Seminar on theme “Open and Distance Learning in the Context of NEP 2020 : Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education” 

National Seminar on theme “Open and Distance Learning in...

The University school of Open learning(USOL), Panjab University, Chandigarh organised...

Panjab University consistently planning for alignment of its curriculum to NEP 2020 

Panjab University consistently planning for alignment of...

Panjab University has been consistently planning for alignment   of its curriculum...

Australian university hails NEP 2020

Australian university hails NEP 2020

The Central Queensland University (CQU) Australia has welcomed the India's New National...

KMV successfully commences 2- Day National Conference on Implementation of NEP- 2020 and Role of Scientific & Technical Terminology 

KMV successfully commences 2- Day National Conference on...

Acclaimed scholars from all over India graces the occasion 

National seminar on National Education Policy 2020:  Opportunities and Challenges held in Doaba College

National seminar on National Education Policy 2020:  Opportunities...

A national seminar was conducted by Disha Committee of Doaba College on National...