DSCE students shine in national and international competitions

Bangalore, September 28, 2021: Students of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE) are making the headlines in recent national and international competitions. Two teams from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering have bagged the “Best Project of the Year-2021” awards in the 44th series of Students Project Programme of KSCST. The official Aero-Design Team of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering has also bagged international awards in SAE Aero-Design Events.
The team of Shreya G, Vinutha G, and Isha G, students from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, have bagged the “Best Project of the Year-2021” award in the 44th series of Students Project Programme (SPP) of Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST). There were over 150 abstracts submitted from all over Karnataka and other states, and the team has been crowned the winner and given a monetary prize. Under the supervision of Mr Suresh P, the students presented their academic project work, "Investigation and Development of Distributed Propulsion UAV.”
Farhan Hyder, Aravind Krishnan, Sumukhi T, and Andrea Clement, a team from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, won the “Best Project of the Year-2021” award in the 44th series of Students Project Programme (SPP) of Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST). Under the supervision of Dr Smitha Sasi, the students presented their academic project work, “TESTTUBE.ai- A Telemedicine Approach to Tuberculosis.”
Rohan Prem Sagar, Joint Secretary, Dayanand Sagar Institutions, said, “I congratulate all the students for this wonderful achievement. DSI is committed to providing a great platform for students to think innovatively and empower them with the right guidance, support, and equipping them with industry-relevant skills. Focusing on innovation and quality, the institute is the right place to learn if you want your doors to be opened to a successful and a rewarding career.”
The official Aero-Design Team of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Team Arcis, took the lead in Design Standings and bagged the second spot in Technical Design Presentation. This feat was made in the face of severe competition from famous universities worldwide, including Georgia Tech, MIT, Cornell University, and many others. Internationally, Team Arcis won the first prize for overall performance and bagged the third spot for Technical Design Report. In addition, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics announced a $3000 cash award for the team.