Dear Time

Author(s): Rajat KumarJalandhar, May 19, 2016: “The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade. Reading to children is their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic...

Dear Time

Jalandhar, May 19, 2016: “The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade. Reading to children is their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment. As a student it begins to relate the scenarios in books to what is happening in the world and the child will become more excited about the stories you share. Keeping the spirit alive Cambridge International School(CoEd) Jalandhar conducted “Dear Time’ activity in the school for the grade I-VIII.
Reading activity included reading aloud in the junior sections to improve their reading skills while in middle section, children were engrossed in silent reading. Various type of literature was read by the students during this time and they came up with what they had learnt from the activity. The content for reading comprised of moral based stories fiction, short plays, poems etc. Children selected the books of their own taste for today’s reading activity.
On this occasion, Chairman LWES Mr. Ajay Bhatia, Deputy Chairman LWES Mr. Deepak Bhatia, Executive Director LWES Mr. J.K. Kohli, Director LWES Mr. Nitin Kohli ,Chief Education Officer LWES Ms. Deepa Dogra, Directors of Education LWES Ms. Kiranjot Dhillon, Ms. Meenu Hurria and Ms Preeti Sharma and Principal Mr Stanley Anthony congratulated every one for organizing the activity to inculcate the love for reading among the children.

Friday, May 20, 2016