National level webinar on “wellness tourism”

Organised by University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management, Panjab University, Chandigarh

National level webinar on “wellness tourism”
Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Chandigarh: University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management, Panjab University, Chandigarh   organized a National Level webinar today on “Wellness Tourism” .

Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University while speaking on the topic said wellness of all helps in removing tensions and keeps one physically and mentally fit. He also shared that from last few months Panjab university has organized 250 webinars and has submitted 30 projects till date. He congratulated Dr. Anish Slath Director UIHTM and the entire organizing team of UIHTM for the excellent topic of the webinar and shared his wish to sign a MOU with S-VYASA University, Bengaluru in the near future. 

Dr. H.R Nagendra, Padma Shri awardee, Chancellor S-VYASA University, Bengaluru, chief guest of the event talks about the wholesome wellness which  not only includes the physical body but also the mind .He also talked about the great personalities which are full of spirituality from different parts of India like Shankaracharya ji  from Karnataka, Guru Nanak Dev ji from Punjab etc. He suggested to work on the immune system which is like an army  defends from various problems and viruses. He said everyone needs to focus on four principles of a healthy life – Ahar, Vihar, Achar, Vichar and one has to work on all these aspects in order to stay fit. Moreover, yoga and Ayurveda are the contribution of India to the world. Everyone must spread holistic vision to the whole world and turn from illness to wellness. 

Chef Ram Babu, key speaker who is known as millet chef, added the importance of millets in the food. He said that a chef must have the quality of kindness and must prepare the food as one does meditation. One must be happy and cooking must be taken as God’s blessing and as an opportunity to feed the souls and he compared the food with prasad. He insisted to take local and seasonal food. He said millets are full of protein, energy and are gluten free. So, everyone must add and replace the wheat and rice with millets in their daily routine. He said we are privileged to be Indian as there is plenty of millets available. He said even millets are good for high B.P patients, diabetic patients and pregnant ladies too.  

Dr. O.P Singh another key speaker Prof. O.P Singh, head Kaya Chikitsa, Banaras Hindu University talked about Ayurveda and yoga and advised to improve the spiritual and social health. He also talked about panchakarma to purify the body and remove the toxins .He also talk about the indigenous cows' milk which is available in India and is healthy and full of nutrition. Moreover he adds that one should remove wheat and white rice from diet and must add millets, gur and black rice to stay fit. 

 For the first time through this webinar, UIHTM has taken the initiative to donate the fee collected through the webinar to PM Care fund  . 40 Participants registered for the webinar and each participant paid Rs 200/- for the registration.