KMV organizes weeklong free online classes on dance
Motivates people to acquire new skills while sitting at home

Jalandhar: In another initiative, PG Department of Performing Arts of Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (KMV) organized one week free online classes on Dance for the people who want to learn the techniques of different forms of dance.The free online classes received the participation of more than 100 people of different age & profession. The classes were held on Zoom platform in virtual meetings. During the classes students were taught three different types of dances namely Bollywood dance, Semi classical dance & Folk dance.The participants were also made to learn basic techniques of dance & how these various dances can be used professionally if someone wants to make a career in dance. Every topic was explained with the help of suitable demonstrations & examples by the resource persons & interactive sessions were also conducted in which participants raised various queries to which the resource persons responded very eloquently.
Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that the PG Department of Performing Arts has taken the initiative of offering this online classes for all the art lovers. This is the need of the hour as it is important to stay update and to acquire new skills while sitting at home. Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi congratulated the participants for having availed a lot from this valuable program & maintained that KMV always believe in the holistic development of the students & this initiative is also taken in that direction.
Principal lauded the efforts of Dr Poonam Sharma, Head, PG Department of Performing Arts, Ms Ritika & Ms Meenakshi for being the resource persons for this noble initiative during these testing times.