SIAM’s Society for Automotive Fitness and Environment hosts...
The convention puts 5 E’s — Environment, Education, Enforcement, Engineering, and...
SIAM puts spotlight on tyres care and road safety
Under tri series on road safety advocacy for tyres
SIAM hosts webinar on ‘Vehicle Scrappage Policy 2021: Its...
Prime Minister’s visionary milestone of vehicle scrappage policy: A new era of sustainable...
SIAM to host 15th edition of Lecture Series on Digital...
The thematic 15th lecture will witness participation from distinguished leaders...
SIAM celebrated World Environment Day 2021
Organized virtual interactive session on Ecosystem Restoration: Initiatives by Indian...
SIAM to organise virtual conclave on “Ecosystem Restoration:...
Prioritising environment sustainability in the automotive industry
SIAM celebrates 6th United Nation's Global Road Safety...
A week-long programme centred on theme ‘Streets for Life #Love30’
SIAM to host 13th edition of the Lecture series on ‘Electric...
The event can be attended by registering through SIAM website on or before 21st...
As 32nd national road safety month concludes, SIAM’s virtual...
During the month-long road safety programs, SIAM organized two virtual seminars