UIAMS , Panjab University, organised Voluntary Blood Donation Drive and Organ Donation Pledging

Chandigarh August 21, 2024: University Institute of Applied Management Sciences in collaboration with Rotary Club Chandigarh Midtown organised a voluntary blood donation and organ donation pledging drive at students center Panjab University Chandigarh. The team for this drive had come from Department of Blood Transfusion medicine, Department of Plastic Surgery, and Regional organ and tissue transplant organisation (ROTTO) , Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. Prof. Vipin Kaushal, Medical Superintendent, PGIMER, and Ms. Saryu, consultant, ROTTO, PGIMER graced the occasion with their presence, and thanked all the donors for their contribution towards this noble endeavour. Prof. Monika Aggarwal, Director UIAMS, encouraged the students to come forward for the noble cause.
36 units of blood were collected during the drive. For organ donation (including skin donation ) 36 students signed the pledge.
There was an overwhelming response from the students about the urge to know more about the importance, eligibility, and benefits of pledging for organ donation. The team from ROTTO held an awareness session, specifically to remove the myths associated with organ donation.The event was coordinated by Dr. Manjushri Sharma, Assistant Professor, UIAMS.