Seminar on Number Theory held in Doaba College

Seminar on Number Theory held in Doaba College

Jalandhar, December 1, 2021: PG Department of Mathematics of Doaba College organized  a DBT sponsored seminar on Number Theory.  Dr. Shelly Garg, Department of Mathematics, DAV University, acted as resource person She was accorded a hearty welcome by Principl Dr Pardeep Bhandari, Prof. Arvind Nanda-Head, Dr Rajiv Khosla, Prof Gulshan Sharma, Faculty and 85 students.

Principal Dr Pardeep Bhandari said tht number theory hs great significance in mathematics as it palys crucial role in aptitude tests of various competitions and students can deftly solve questions related to  arithmetic and geometric progression with the help of this mathematical tool.He said that usually students consider mathematics as a difficult subject but with the help of golden rtio proportion concept we can understand not only the  beauty of mathematics but also of entire nature especially plant and animal life around us.

Dr. Shelly Garg, the resource person, inspired the audience by showing beauty of Golden ratio proportion concept , which is often denoted by the Greek letter, usually in lower case, Phi (φ) which is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Dr. Shelley Garg cited example of golden rtio proportions which are found in natural world through human proportions and the growth patterns of many living plants, animals and insects and also in the universe. She said that golden ratio is always considered as the most pleasing proportion to human eyes. She also discussed that a positive integer n has a representation as a sum of two squares if n = a ^2 + b ^2 for some non-negative a, b ∈ Z. She explained characterizing the numbers that have a representation as the sum of two squares and she also explained that what numbers can be written as the sum of three squares or four. Prof. Gulshan Sharma, extended the vote of thanks.