PU active partner in research project 

The researched project is named as "Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies (TIGR2ESS)"

PU active partner in research project 

Chandigarh, March 22, 2022: Panjab University has been an active partner in the research project "Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies (TIGR2ESS)". More than 20 Indian and UK institutions are involved in this project funded by Research Councils, U.K. Many faculty members from several teaching departments of PU are members of this project under the overall leadership of Prof Ramanjit Kaur Johal of the Public Administration department.

The project stresses on skill development, entrepreneurship, nutrition and sustainable farming leading to empowerment and well-being with a special focus on women and youth. The project has worked in rural and urban areas of Punjab including Pandwala and Bagh Sikandar creating self-help groups and planting nutrition gardens (poshan vatikas) in the village schools and households. As we approach the close of this project, we wish to share our findings with stakeholders, which includes the media.

A policy dissemination workshop is planned for March 24, 2022 (Thursday) at the Golden Jubilee Hall, Panjab University, Chandigarh. In addition, an exhibition will be held by the self help groups from these villages at the Student Centre at 12 noon wherein they will display the items made by them under this project. .

The schedule for the same is attached. The press briefing is scheduled for 12:45 pm on the same day at the Golden Jubilee Hall, Panjab University, and will be followed by lunch.