Mathematics is the key to every aspect of life
Science City celebrates the Mathematics Day

Kapurthala, December 22, 2022: Pushpa Gujral Science City in collaboration with Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, Chandigarh celebrated “National Mathematics Day” to mark the birth anniversary of the great Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan by organizing hands on activities session on Mathematics and visit to Mathematics gallery. The main goal of the programme was to develop curiosity and interest among young students and to motivate them to take up careers in Mathematics. The theme for this year celebration was “Mathematics for everyone”. About 100 students from different schools of Punjab participated in the workshop.
Speaking at this occasion Dr. Rajesh Grover, Director, Science City said that Mathematics is the key to every aspect of life and scientific studies, research work can’t be completed without mathematics. Everyday math can be seen in various activities such as time tracking, driving, cooking, or jobs such as accounting, finance, banking, engineering, and software. It is also seen that some students develop math phobia as they face difficulty in understanding maths through books. Hence, nurturing mathematic skills through informal way among masses especially school students is the need of the hour. Further, PGSC has taken a step in this direction by setting up a Mathematic Gallery which is equipped with hands-on exhibits on different concepts of Mathematics and allow the students to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills and experience mathematical phenomena themselves.
Kirandeep Singh, Educationist, National & State awardee, was the expert speaker on this occasion. He has also been honored for setting up of Math Hub, Math park & Math library in Government school to popularize Mathematics among youngsters. During the session, he demonstrated how the different concepts of Math can be understood easily using working models, math kits and games. He urged students to focus on the basics. With strong basics, advanced level concepts could be understood more easily and effectively. Students took keen interest in the session and learnt the basics and tricks to solve math problems.