IE(I) Ludhiana organises annual general meeting

Over 100 members attached to the institution participated in the meeting

IE(I) Ludhiana organises annual general meeting

The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Engineers (India), Ludhiana Local centre was organized today. In view of the prevailing pandemic situation and in line with the government guidelines the meeting was organized in online mode. 
Over 100 members attached to the institution participated in the meeting. Welcoming the participants, Er. R L Mahajan, Chairman, Ludhiana Local Centre said that the local centre was striving to achieve engineering excellence through inclusion of engineers of all disciplines. 
Er. Surjit Singh, Honorary Secretary read the annual report alongwith the financial results. He highlighted the various activities done during the year. Inspite of the pandemic, the institution organized number of technical webinars. The institute also conducted the summer and winter examinations for AMIE. The local centre reported healthy membership growth of around 10%. 
Giving details of the students’ chapters associated with centre, Dr Arvind Dhingra, Executive member said that students especially from Students’ chapter at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana showcased their creativity and skills by organizing webinars, technical games and other events. 
Members were appreciative of the activities being conducted by the institution. 
Er. Surjit Singh thanked the members for their continual support.