What is bigger- pandemic or financial crisis

KMV asks the students

What is bigger- pandemic or financial crisis

Jalandhar: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya sought views of students on the intense issue “What is bigger –Pandemic or Financial Crisis”. The activity was conducted by PG Department of Economics. Nearly 30 students shared their views on this pertinent issue with relevant pictures and supporting data. The major view that emerged out was that both pandemic and economic crisis have a devastating impact on a country but a long drawn pandemic like the current corona virus has more wide-raging and widespread adverse effects than an economic crisis. Pandemic is a human crisis, one threatening to human lives and will also lead to worst economic recession. It creates prolonged instability, anxiety and unrest among the most vulnerable and poorest sections of the society while throwing the whole economic structure off balance. A few students opine that coordinated, decisive and inclusive policy actions of Governments of all nations of providing technical and financial support across all sectors can downscale the impact of  social and economic crisis caused by pandemic. 
Principal Prof. (Dr.). Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that it is very important that students must be completely aware about the whole pandemic situation that has arisen out due to COVID-19 & they should also have an opinion on all the impacts that this pandemic will have on the society. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of PG Department of Economics for organising meaningful discussions on this relevant issue.