Special General Observer reviews election preparedness in Ludhiana

Special General Observer for Punjab and Haryana Ram Mohan Mishra, IAS, on Sunday reviewed the poll preparedness made by the district administration for free and fair elections in Ludhiana.

Special General Observer reviews election preparedness in Ludhiana

Ludhiana, May 26, 2024: Special General Observer for Punjab and Haryana Ram Mohan Mishra, IAS, on Sunday reviewed the poll preparedness made by the district administration for free and fair elections in Ludhiana.

The election observers for Ludhiana parliamentary constituency including General Observer Divya Mittal, Expenditure Observers Pankaj Kumar, Chetan D Kalamkar and District Election Officer Sakshi Sawhney detailed the Special General

Observer about the activities being carried out so far by the administration. 

Mishra said that the instructions of the Election Commission of India should be strictly followed during the elections so that the  elections remain free from any form of intimidation. He said that the coming days were very important and FST, SST, VST and other teams should ensure strict implementation of Model Code of Conduct. 

DEO Sakshi Sawhney gave first hand information about the steps being taken by the administration for smooth conduct of elections. She informed that FST, SST, VST and other teams were operational round the clock in the district. 

Later, the Special General Observer also held detailed discussions with the Assistant Returning Officers and expressed satisfaction over the arrangements made.