Over 3200 applicants get transport services at Suvidha Camp in Ludhiana
To provide citizen services to people nearby their homes, special Suvidha Camps with respect to transport department related services were held today by Ludhiana District Administration at different locations.

Ludhiana, September 30, 2023: To provide citizen services to people nearby their homes, special Suvidha Camps with respect to transport department related services were held today by Ludhiana District Administration at different locations.
Divulging the details, Deputy Commissioner Surabhi Malik said that district administration was duty bound to provide citizen services in a seamless manner at doorsteps as envisioned by Sarkar Tuhade Dwar initiative. She said that the special suvidha camp with respect to transport department services were held today wherein more than 3200 applicants have witnessed prompt disposal of their applications. These applications included services related to vehicle registration, issuance of driving license, fitness report of vehicles, etc. She further added that the officials have collected fee from applicants where deficiency in requisite fee was found during the camp so that such applications can be processed without any delay.
Giving more details, the deputy commissioner stated that at Secretary RTA office as many as 127 applications were received for vehicle registration services, 48 applications for driving licenses while 64 applications were received for vehicle fitness related services. Likewise, a total p 1228 applications were received at automated driving test track Ludhiana comprising 70 applications for learners' driving license, 989 for new licenses, 145 for new RCs besides 33 applications for other services.
The DC further said that at SDM Payal office 85 applications were recieved for driving licenses, and 45 for RCs where as eight applications for learners' license, 17 for RCs related services and eight for driving license were also received.
At SDM Raikot office five and ten applications were received respectively for DL and RC related services during the camp, she said adding that a total of 54 applications for RC related services were received at SDM Samrala office. The DC said that at automated driving test track Khanna as many as 332 applications were received including 116 applications for driving license related services, 84 RC related services, besides 132 applications for other transport department related services.