MP Arora assures to take up industry issues with Punjab & Central Govt

After patiently listening to grievances, long-pending issues and suggestions of local industry for around two-hours during an interaction meeting organised by Apex Chamber of Commerce and Industry here on Monday late evening, Sanjeev Arora, MP (Rajya Sabha) has assured to take up their issues both at the State and the Centre.   

MP Arora assures to take up industry issues with Punjab & Central Govt

Ludhiana, April 18, 2023: After patiently listening to grievances, long-pending issues and suggestions of local industry for around two-hours during an interaction meeting organised by Apex Chamber of Commerce and Industry here on Monday late evening, Sanjeev Arora, MP (Rajya Sabha) has assured to take up their issues both at the State and the Centre.   

Arora even assured to raise some of the issues in coming monsoon session of Parliament. He said several issues were brought to his notice in the interaction meeting by the local industrialists, adding he was unaware of many of these issues. He thanked the industrialists for getting him aware of their genuine problems. The issues were related to different Ministries and Departments both at the State and the Centre-level, therefore, he asked the industrialists to submit all these issues in written separately so that he might be able to take them at an appropriate – level. 

The issues related to infrastructure, anti-dumping duty, variation in steel prices of India and China, shortage of drivers for the trucking industry, power tariff, power thefts, water and sewerage, traffic problems, textile park, VAT notices, OTS Schemes, better rail, road and air connectivity and many others were raised before Arora. Arora assured that he would make every effort to redress every issue. He assured that he would ensure that no injustice or harassment is done to industrialists on any issue, including tariff hike or water and sewerage charges. 

Arora was urged upon that agricultural machinery should also be included in the agri policy and subsidy should be given on agri machines. This will help in booming the agriculture machinery manufacturing industry of the state. It was also demanded to give emphasis on skill development because there is acute shortage of skilled workforce in the local industries. 

Further, Arora was apprised that Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has increased the electricity rates by 10 per cent. It was apprehended that the industry has to make this payment with retrospective effect. It was also pointed out that Powercom has fined crores of rupees by putting billet heaters in the category of power intensive units, while billet heaters can help in preventing pollution.

The long-pending issue of the industry existing in Mix Land Use Area was also highlighted. The industry urged upon Arora to find out a permanent solution to the issue as thousands of units will be closed if these are forced to shift from the present respective places. 
It was also demanded to start local bus services in Focal Point Areas so that the labour can come and go easily. 

Further, it was pointed out that the State Tax Department has put 8000 businessmen in trouble by sending VAT assessment notices. It was demanded that OTS Scheme be brought out to resolve this issue in one go.

Arora was also apprised that steel in India is 30 per cent more expensive than in China. Due to this, it is very difficult for the engineering industry to complete the global market.
It was also demanded that the return time of Shatabdi from Delhi should be fixed at 7.30 pm in the larger interest of industry.

Further, it was pointed out that due to dharnas and demonstrations, the industry of the state is continuously facing problems. It was suggested that there should be a fixed place for the staging dharnas or protest.

Arora replied to many issues raised before him. On law and order issue, he said it was fully under control under control and the industry need not to worry. Everything is being monitored on daily basis, he said. 

On the occasion, Arora was presented a memento. 

Among others, Apex Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s president Rajnish Ahuja, convener Rahul Ahuja, general secretary Jaswinder Singh Birdi and leading industrialists, Onkar Singh Pahwa, Upkar Singh Ahuja, Avtar Singh Bhogal, Gurmeet Singh Kular, Ajit Lakra, Sandeep Jain, Pankaj Sharma, Charanjit Singh Vishwakarma and others were present.