Kamal Chopra to represent India at WPCF

Author(s): City Air NewsKamal Chopra. Ludhiana, June 3, 2015: Mr Kamal Chopra of Ludhiana will be representing India during the World Print Communication Forum (WPCF) to be held at Porto (Portugal) on 4, 5 & 6 June, 2015. He is the Chairman...

Kamal Chopra to represent India at WPCF
printers representative

Kamal Chopra.

Ludhiana, June 3, 2015: Mr Kamal Chopra of Ludhiana will be representing India during the World Print Communication Forum (WPCF) to be held at Porto (Portugal) on 4, 5 & 6 June, 2015. He is the Chairman International Relations at the All India Federation of Master Printers.  Printer representatives of more than 23 countries are going to participate in this meeting.
The WPCF is a worldwide network of printing associations working to promote the printing industry.  Print is environmentally friendly, sustainable and effective. The WPCF exists to spread this message. The main objective of the meeting is to Encourage the development of the printing, graphic arts, communications and allied industries worldwide; Promote education, contact, friendship and a spirit of cooperation between owners and managers of enterprises engaged in these industries; Establish an information exchange and a dialogue between companies, associations and individuals in these industries, including their respective suppliers and customers; Engage, when appropriate, governmental bodies and the general public in the achievement of its objectives; Establish and maintain a world calendar of major events in the sector.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015