Ivy World School observe reading month

The students brought a storybook to their classroom

Ivy World School observe reading month

Jalandhar: Ivy World School, under the aegis of the Vasal Education Society, organized Reading Month from 16th July 2021 to 16th August 2021 through a virtual platform. This year the Reading month is being celebrated with various activities and the main objectives behind celebrating the same were: to mark the importance of reading in one’s life and inculcate the reading habit in students. Students engaged in various activities like Weave a story, Picture description, Riddles, Rhyme time, Loud Reading, Vocabulary-Building, and Dialogue delivery, throughout the Reading month. The students also brought a storybook to their classroom that they liked to read in their leisure time and spoke for a minute stating their favorite character and what they liked most about the book. The gusto and fervor among students could be witnessed through their active participation in this month of celebrations. They observed this month with a great amount of zeal, new learnings, and achievements.

Principal Ms. Sanjeev Chauhan applauded the efforts made by the students and also encouraged them to participate more in such activities to enhance their talents. The President of Vasal education Society, Shri K K Vasal, the Chairman Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Vasal, the Director Mrs. Ena Vasal, and the CEO Mr. Raghav Vasal applauded the efforts made by the school to impart wholesome education.