How to be heart smart during lockdown

Dr Harinder Singh Bedi suggests a few simple tips to keep your ticker strong 

How to be heart smart during lockdown
Dr Harinder Singh Bedi.

Chandigarh/Mohali: It is easy to lose focus during a protracted lockdown. One is prone to depression and exacerbation of pre-existing heart disease
Here are a few simple tips to keep your ticker strong:
•    Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits. They are all available door to door. Avoid spicy, fried and sugary junk food
•    Daily exercise is a must. Keep moving between rooms. Walk when on the phone. If living in a flats complex – use the stairs to walk up and down as an exercise. Do squats, lunges, plank stationary cycling  or treadmill etc.
•    Maintain ideal body weight
•    Avoid too much coffee , tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol and tobacco
•    Manage blood pressure and diabetes. Teleconsult with your doctor 
•    Do not believe all the jargon on whatsApp re therapy  - tele-consult
•    Spend quality time with spouse, kids and parents
•    Connect with your inner self. Meditate. Rejuvenate
•    Stop and smell the roses. Take up gardening if you have a garden
•    Let the sunshine in. Sit in the sun
•    Practice yoga
•    Be happy 

Dr Harinder Singh Bedi MCh, FIACS
Director Cardio Vascular Sciences
Ivy Hospital, Mohali, Punjab
Ph 9814060480. Teleconsult at 0172- 5242000
E mail: [email protected]