Healthy journalism inspired by basic literary standards like superiority and credibility: Kamlesh Bhartiya

Healthy journalism inspired by basic literary standards like superiority and credibility: Kamlesh Bhartiya
KMV Organised a Seminar on Literature and Journalism Kanya Maha Vidyalaya- the Heritage & Autonomous Institution, Jalandhar’s P.G Department of Hindi organized a one-day seminar on “Literature and Journalism”. Mr.Kamlesh Bhartiya, a renowned writer and journalist from Hissar was invited as the chief guest. Mr.Kamlesh Bharti enlightened the students on the insights of importance and role of literature in the field of journalism. The emotions that are portrayed in literature can be helpful in understanding the social and political aspects as they both; literature and journalism are said to the mirrors of the society. Adding to this, Mr Bhartiya said that a healthy journalism is inspired by the basic literary standards like superiority and credibility. He also encouraged the students to find self through self criticism. The students also asked him questions about his field of expertise and how they can use literature for journalism and writing. Dr Vinod Kalra, Head of Department of Hindi, thanked Mr Bhatiya for sharing his expertise and experiences with the students and also stated that people like him could encourage the young generation to walk the path of righteousness and be successful in life. this event was also graced by the presence of Ms Seema Jain, Dr Anushobha, Dr Loveleen Kaur, Ms. Manjula Sharma and Ms. Neha.