Bittu has insulted Sikh gurus' idealogy and Constitution: Chugh

Says Cong should suspend him from party

Bittu has insulted Sikh gurus' idealogy and Constitution: Chugh
BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh.

Chandigarh: BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh said Congress MP Ravneet Bittu has not only insulted people of the backward classes but also the Sikh gurus and the Constitution by saying that "pious" Assembly seats like Chamkaur Sahib and Anandpur Sahib should not be left for the BSP candidates.

In a statement Chugh, it was the most reprehensible casteist remark which reflected the perverse thinking of the Congress. He said while the Sikh gurus kept preaching the message of equality saying "Rangrete Guru Ke Bete",  Bittu has heaped a humiliating insult to SC people of the state who deserve equal respect and place in the state as others. Does Bittu want to say that an SC candidate cannot contest the election from Guru's seat?  Does he want to say that the SCs in Punjab respect and worship the Sikh gurus any less? Chugh bemoaned that the guru's message of "sangat and pangat" has been ridiculed by Bittu by giving such a reprehensible statement. 

Bittu has also insulted Ambedkar's thought that is all about bringing equality and respect for all in society.

SC people in Punjab have contributed enormously to the development of Punjab. They are as much part of the state's culture as other communities are so they deserve to be treated with respect. 

Asking Bittu to tender an unconditional apology Chugh demanded the Congress high command to take disciplinary action against Bittu..