All the Major Types of Solar Panels You Need to Know About 

All the Major Types of Solar Panels You Need to Know About 

With environmental degradation becoming a global concern, people across the world are making conscious choices, and switching to clean energy sources tops the list. But even as there are various renewable sources like wind, sunlight, hydro, biomass, and geothermal available to us today, solar power has been the most preferred choice among the Indian population. 

The main reason behind this is that our country receives direct sunlight for over 300 days, making solar energy the most viable option. Additionally, solar PV panels are also pocket-friendly, safe for the environment, require low maintenance, and have an average lifespan of 25 years.

But before you opt for solar installation services, it is crucial to understand the difference between the types of solar panels readily available in the market. 

In India, solar panels are available in the following two variations: 

1.    Polycrystalline Solar Panels 
2.    Monocrystalline Solar Panels 

It is important to know that both types of solar panels mainly differ based on their technology, manufacturing process, and external appearance; however, let’s look at them in more detail: 

●    Polycrystalline Solar PV Panels 

Image Courtesy: Luminous 

Polycrystalline solar panels have been in use for several years and can be easily spotted in residential areas. These types of solar panels are manufactured using multiple silicon fragments, which are first melted and then shaped into a square mold. The photovoltaic (PV) panels have a grid-like design and are typically dark blue in color. 

Additionally, polycrystalline solar panels are quite budget-friendly, but the price point can vary depending on your unique requirements. And the panels offer average conversion efficiency compared to its counterpart. Moreover, polycrystalline PV modules might not be the ideal choice for those living in areas with high temperatures as these types of solar panels have low heat tolerance. 

●    Monocrystalline Solar PV Panels 

Image Courtesy: Luminous

Even though polycrystalline solar panels are the preferred choice for many, monocrystalline PV modules are now gaining popularity. Manufactured using a single and pure silicon crystal (which is further sliced into small fragments), these types of solar panels are black in color and offer high conversion efficiency compared to their counterpart. 

In addition, monocrystalline solar panels are space-efficient and offer excellent temperature tolerance, making them suitable for regions with hot weather. However, you should know that monocrystalline PV panels are more on the expensive side as they also come loaded with unique features. 

So, now that we’ve looked at both types of solar panels, you should start by evaluating your needs and requirements. For instance, if you wish to run heavy-duty appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and dishwashers on solar power, the ideal choice would be to go for high-efficiency solar panels. Plus, you also need to consider your budget and how frequently you want to use solar energy throughout the day. 

Choose Luminous for All Your Solar Needs

If you’re on the lookout for brands offering an extensive range of solar panels, make sure to check out Luminous’ products. Luminous is one of India’s leading solar solution providers and they offer both polycrystalline and monocrystalline types of solar panels. 

Better yet, the PV panels come with notable features, such as advanced EVA encapsulation, BSF for enhanced light absorption, PID resistance technology, high torsion resistance, 25 years of performance warranty, and much more! Moreover, Luminous offers high-quality solar products at affordable prices, making them your one-stop shop for all types of solar panels. 

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Luminous’ website and explore their range of products today!