What Are The Benefits of Having A Good Wireless Router?

What Are The Benefits of Having A Good Wireless Router?
(Source: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/wifi-router)

The internet and WiFi have become a necessity for many people around the world because of the increase in the number of active internet users and internet penetration. To be able to access high-speed internet, the wireless router matters a lot because this device holds the power to good internet accessibility.

The market is already crowded with a staggering amount of options available from different router manufacturers. A good router can be the difference between choppy streaming, lag, and dropped. If you are using an old wireless router or using the one provided by your ISP then perhaps it is time that you make a purchase and buy a new wireless router so that you can enjoy high-speed internet. A good wireless router matters a lot and we will be taking a look at some of the benefits of having a good wireless router and how you can benefit from one right purchase:
Signal Reliability
If you are using an older wireless router then chances are that your wireless router might not be able to deliver Wi-Fi signals as a modern-day router can. Most modern WiFi routers from manufacturers like TP-Link have dual-band and tri-band capabilities that allow these routers to transmit wireless signals at multiple wireless frequencies.

Users can simultaneously use both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz options. The 2.4 GHz is suitable for long ranges as it is able to transmit signals at longer distances while the 5 GHz is suitable when it is required to get the maximum speeds. Older wireless routers don’t have this functionality and only have the 2.4 GHz option available which can get crowded at times. With a good wireless router, the data gets transmitted to users no matter what.
Longer And Better Ranges
Modern-day wireless routers have a longer and better range than older routers, which means that there will be no longer wireless dead spots in your home. Not only do these routers have better antennae and hardware but they also have dual-band and tri-band support due to which the wireless signals’ range is better than ever.

With older routers, many people had the problem of not being able to access the internet at specific places in their homes because the wireless signals weren’t strong enough to penetrate into those places but with modern-day routers, one doesn’t have to worry about poor wireless signals or poor connectivity.
User-Friendly Interface
Any good wireless router that you buy nowadays has a user-friendly interface. Previously, wireless routers used to have such a menu and interface that were very hard to decipher and navigate. Things have changed now and now you can buy a router from any manufacturer such as Tenda, Netgear, D-Link, etc and you will find all of them to have a user-friendly and streamlined interface that makes it easier for users to access and configure the settings of the router.
Dedicated Mobile Apps
What’s even better is that most of these manufacturers have their dedicated mobile apps available through which managing and configuring the settings of the router gets very easy. You just need to connect your mobile app to the router and you will be able to make changes to the settings of the router, a functionality that you couldn’t find in older routers.

In older routers, one had to go through the long and tedious process of finding the default gateway address, logging into the default gateway, and then wandering here and there to make changes to the settings. This has changed with modern routers and once the app is connected with the router, making changes to the settings of the router is just a few taps away.
Bandwidth Prioritization
Modern wireless routers have additional features like bandwidth prioritization that further improve the internet experience. With features like Quality of Service (QoS), one can easily prioritize which apps, devices, and services should get the most bandwidth. 

This is useful when you want to play games online, stream a show on Netflix or attend conference calls on Skype. You can just configure your wireless router to direct the majority of the bandwidth to a particular app or device so that you can use those services without any stops.
Additional Features
Along with all features and things that we have mentioned, you get additional features with modern wireless routers. You get full control over your home network, you can enable the guest network for guests, set parental restrictions, add a VPN to your network, and attach external devices for storage, backup, and file sharing.