The students of Innocent Hearts outshine in JEE Mains (April- 2023); Jayesh Pandit scores 99.36 percentile

The students of Innocent Hearts School, Green Model Town excelled well in  JEE Mains conducted by National Testing Agency in April, 2023. Jayesh Pandit brought laurels to school by scoring 99.36 percentile.

The students of Innocent Hearts outshine in JEE Mains (April- 2023); Jayesh Pandit scores 99.36 percentile

Jalandhar, April 29, 2023: The students of Innocent Hearts School, Green Model Town excelled well in  JEE Mains conducted by National Testing Agency in April, 2023. Jayesh Pandit brought laurels to school by scoring 99.36 percentile.

While   the percentile score of other students, Aashna Sharma 99.2, Aayush Kalia 98.22, Mishika 98, Hardik Chadha 97.2, Agamjot Singh 96.2, Ansh Khosla 96 and Harshita Oberoi 95.97. On this occasion, Dr. Anup Bowry, chairman of Innocent Hearts , congratulated the students and teachers.

Rajeev Paliwal,  Principal, applauded the efforts of the students and wished them good luck for their bright future.