Supplementary randomization of reserved EVMs held 

The supplementary randomization of reserved Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) was conducted in the presence of representatives from different political parties at the District Administrative Complex on Wednesday. This process was supervised by General Observer Divya Mittal, IAS, and District Election Officer Sakshi Sawhney in accordance with the guidelines of the Election Commission of India (ECI).

Supplementary randomization of reserved EVMs held 

Ludhiana, May 20, 2024: The supplementary randomization of reserved Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) was conducted in the presence of representatives from different political parties at the District Administrative Complex on Wednesday. This process was supervised by General Observer Divya Mittal, IAS, and District Election Officer Sakshi Sawhney in accordance with the guidelines of the Election Commission of India (ECI).

District Election Officer Sakshi Sawhney mentioned that during the process, supplementary randomization of reserved Ballot Units, Control Units, and VVPATs for the Ludhiana was carried out using dedicated software. Each Assembly segment was allocated an additional 20 percent of the required number of EVMs for use during the polls, as there are 43 contesting candidates in Ludhiana PC.

The DEO, who also serves as the Returning Officer (RO) for Ludhiana PC, detailed the representatives of the political parties about the supplementary randomization of reserved 591 EVMs, ensuring their confidence in the process and reassuring them that all necessary measures have been taken to uphold the sanctity of the polls in a free, fair, and transparent manner.

A total of 2,921 polling booths will be set up in the assembly constituencies of the district, and EVMs as well as VVPAT machines will be installed based on this allocation. 

During the randomization, copies of lists of randomized reserved CUs/BUs and VVPATs were also provided to the representatives of the political parties. The representatives of various political parties also showed the randomization process of EVM and VVPAT machines.