Summer Adventure Camp 2023 at DRV DAV Centenary Public School

To provide children with a break from their regular routines and offer them a chance to engage in recreational activities, have fun, and enjoy their summer vacation a six day summer camp was commenced in DRV DAV Centenary Public School, Phillaur from 25th May, for kids from nursery to UKG that  has been an exciting and educational experience for all the participants.

Summer Adventure Camp 2023 at DRV DAV Centenary Public School

Phillaur, May 26, 2023: To provide children with a break from their regular routines and offer them a chance to engage in recreational activities, have fun, and enjoy their summer vacation a six day summer camp was commenced in DRV DAV Centenary Public School, Phillaur from 25th May, for kids from nursery to UKG that has been an exciting and educational experience for all the participants. The camp aims to provide a holistic learning environment for children, focusing on physical activities, personal hygiene, creativity, and healthy habits. 

The first day of the summer camp kicked off with a rejuvenating yoga exercise session. The children learned various yoga poses and breathing techniques to promote physical fitness and mental well-being. 

Following the yoga session, children enjoyed a lively free-style dance activity. They had the opportunity to express themselves through movement and music, boosting their confidence and creativity. The children had a great time showcasing their dance moves and bonding with their fellow campers.

Next the focus shifted towards personal hygiene.  An interactive sessions was conducted to teach the children the importance of maintaining cleanliness and proper hygiene practices. They learned practical skills such as brushing their teeth effectively and sanitizing their hands to prevent the spread of germs .

Later in the day, they were engaged in a craft workshop. They were encouraged to explore their artistic side and create various crafts using different materials.  
The remaining days of the summer camp will be filled with exciting adventure activities, ensuring the children have a memorable and thrilling experience. 

Principal, Dr Yogesh Gambhir mentioned that  these activities will encourage teamwork, communication, and perseverance among the children.