Hooda met traders and shopkeepers in Bahadurgarh 

Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Hooda today met traders and shopkeepers in Bahadurgarh under the Ghar-Ghar Congress Har Ghar Congress campaign.

Hooda met traders and shopkeepers in Bahadurgarh 

Bahadurgarh, April 22, 2024: Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Hooda today met traders and shopkeepers in Bahadurgarh under the Ghar-Ghar Congress Har Ghar Congress campaign. MLA Bharat Bhushan Batra, MLA Rajendra Singh June and Sonipat Mayor Nikhil Madan also accompanied him. During the visit, traders and shopkeepers told MP Deepender Hooda that their businesses had collapsed due to the wrong economic policies of the government.

“The law and order situation in the entire state has worsened; murders are taking place in broad daylight. Traders are living in an atmosphere of fear. The morale of criminals has increased to such an extent that ransom and extortion letters are being sent openly,” he said.

Deepender assured traders that when the Congress government comes to power in the state, there would be a crack-down on crime and criminals. He said a safe and fearless environment will be created in the state, just as the Hooda-led Congress government had provided from 2004 to 2014.

He said due to the weak government in the state, the morale of criminals has increased. “Even before 2004, during the Chautala government, there was a situation of jungle raj. At that time, ransom was demanded from jail, today ransom is being demanded from jail and also from abroad,” he stated.

“Due to unemployment, the young generation is falling into drug addiction. Drug trade is going on openly, but the government is sitting idle. By making the state crime-free and drug-free, a pro-investment environment will be created and new employment opportunities for youth will be created,” he explained.

Earlier, in a public meeting organized by the Punjabi community in Bahadurgarh, Hooda said the present state government has neither the desire, nor the will-power to develop the state.

“This government has taken the state off the track of development, and made people yearn for even basic facilities. The present government is completely responsible for the poor condition of electricity, drinking water and roads,” he said.