`Corona Story’ by Ranjodh Singh released online by Padam Bhushan Dr Sardara Singh Johl

This book potentially portrays the prevalent scenario

`Corona Story’ by Ranjodh Singh released online by Padam Bhushan Dr Sardara Singh Johl

Ludhiana: On September 5,2020, PG Department of Punjabi, on the occasion of Teacher's Day online released the book 'Corona Story ' describing the experiences of various situations during the pandemic written by S. Ranjodh Singh, President Ramgarhia Educational Council. The book was released by Padam Bhushan Dr. Sardara Singh Johl ( Chancellor, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda ) Padam Shri Dr.Surjit Patar, Prof.Gurbhajan Singh Gill, Bhai Gurmeet Singh Shant, S.Jagbir Singh Sokhi and S.Janmeja Singh Johl were among the speakers. 

Principal Dr. Inderjit Kaur welcomed all the guests. 

Talking about the book Dr. Johl asserted that we are passing through a difficult phase due to Corona and indeed our life and our lifestyle has been influenced by it. This book potentially portrays the prevalent scenario. 

Principal Dr. Inderjit Kaur expressed her views saying that this book actually depicts Corona Story that many people have experienced during the hard time of past few months. 

Dr.Surjit Patar praised the topic, title and the ideas collected in the book and said that this book is a document which readers will enjoy in the future as well. Prof. Gurbhajan Gill said that this pandemic has taken all the nations of the world in its cruel clutches and such books showcase the difficult times experienced by all humanity quite successfully. 

Moulana Usman Ludhianvi, Naib Shahi Imam also graced the occasion. S.Janmeja Singh Johl also expressed his views by saying that this book mirrors the plight of social, economical, cultural and academic upheavals and major changes in these fields due to Covid 19. 

At the end Prof. Jaspaul Kaur thanked all the worthy guests.